Track & Plan Your Sri Lanka Escape 2020
Wednesday 3 April we will have some exciting new features in Shifting Retail to set you up for success in achieving Sri Lanka Escape 2020.
The upgrade will be first thing Wednesday 3 April morning, so we appreciate your patience whilst Shifting Retail is inaccessible for around 1 hour whilst the upgrade takes place.
Check out the new features below:
Escape Widget – Available in your Business Dashboard
Escape Personal Tracking page – Available by clicking on the link on your Escape Widget. Please note that your monthly Promoter and Builder Titles as well as your 150MP qualification and Escape credits are updated daily. And your Modere 2020 Shifter Accreditation, SRC 2020 Registration and your Team’s Senior Team Leader and Director 1 Title Advancement allocations are updated by the 15th of each month (based on the previous bonus month activity). Need further information on a qualification – No problem – Just click on the hint available for each Qualification.
Track Your Team’s Escape Credits with the Modere Escape Network Report – Available in Reports
Don’t forget for inspo and full qualification and Ts & Cs please go to the Escape page, located in Shifting Retail > Events > Escapes
Upgrade to Training
In preparation for our new Social Marketer Getting Started Training roll out we have upgraded and improved Training in Shifting Retail so that it is simple to navigate and manage and track your progress. We have reorganised our current Training assets under the new Training widgets and we will be adding new training Widgets over the coming months so watch this space.