Let’s go back in time a little! The original series of Wonder Woman – 1975.
There she stood, hands on hips, feet shoulder-width apart, chest up and out, head high. Wonder Woman was known to have super-powers, however, she exuded ‘confidence’ with a capital ‘C’.
Clothing is the exterior, however it’s the internal strength that shines. As a combination, you get the WOW FACTOR!
The best outfit anyone can ever wear is: Confidence. It’s absolute in its attraction.
Now here’s the thing… if you feel like you lack confidence, create a great look with your hair and make-up, go put on a great outfit, and guess who decides to show up: Confidence!
Body language and inner self talk guide the way you think and feel – FACT! Try it and notice the connection and the difference you feel within yourself?
Anything that gives you the feeling of empowerment is worth going for.
Now, you’ve heard me say, and often,
Unless you give it a go, you’ll never know!
Here are some of my results based on ‘Power Poses’ and the following posting schedule on my Facebook profile…
- 4 – 5 posts a day
- 7-week time-frame
- 1 x Power Pose each morning with a Leadership story offering VALUE
- 1 x Family, Pet or Funny post (mix it up)
- 1 x simple Inspirational or Motivational quote in the evening
I threw in a few ‘Facebook Live’ interviews as well.
Here’s a HACK for you as well…
I used www.hootsuite.com, the free version of course, to schedule 1 week in advance. I set up 35 posts to go out at the same time each day. You can schedule 1 month in advance if you like.
If you haven’t heard of Hootsuite or used it before, visit our friend Google, check out the ‘how to’ videos, sign up for a free account and learn that program. You will love this program.
There are similar programs out there, however I’ve always been happy with Hootsuite.
As Social Marketers we want more ‘eyeballs’ on what we do. The more people we have following us, the better our chances of generating our income and duplicating the processes.
People are attracted to your ‘Confidence’. Let’s show them that in ABUNDANCE.
Personally, I would highly suggest you get ready for ‘Power Posing’. You’ll draw a crowd. Be ready for that!
So, what exactly is a ‘Power Pose’?
Standing or sitting in a posture that exudes confidence and Leadership.
In many instances, people use this stance to make themselves more dominant, but for us as Social Marketers, we want our confidence to shine. We want our audience to be drawn to us. And that’s Attraction Marketing at it’s best.
Here’s the thing… scientific evidence and research have shown that if you stand or sit in a ‘Power Pose’ for 2 minutes a day, every day, it will raise your testosterone levels. On top of this, it will lower cortisol, which is your stress hormone.
Doing this will change your body chemistry which helps you deal more favourably with everything throughout the course of the day.
What would make great ‘Power Poses’?
A high-power pose would be something that has you opening wide. Again, let’s think Linda Carter as Wonder Woman. You could have you hands on your hips or perhaps arms stretch out to expand your body shape. Basically, you’re taking up as much space as possible.
Think of sportspeople when they have taken out the gold medal. Usually, they have their arms up in a ‘V’ shape. Which clearly shows ‘Victory’. Funny about that! They’ll also have their head up high.
How about sitting on steps, elbows on your knees, palms together, fingers folded over, chin on your hands. Another great power shot.
Or, lean up against a tree, arms folded, legs crossed.
Sitting at a table, holding your coffee, showing your confidence.
The list is endless.
How do we start?
One strategy would be:
- Take a whole day out
- Grab a friend who is a photographer
- Select a location for a photo shoot
- The location needs a good changing area
- 5 different outfits to change into
- Have your hair and make-up done
- Take around 100 photos in different ‘Power Poses’, in your 5 different outfits, using the different backdrops of your location
- Put those images into Canva
- Overlay them with quotes
- ENSURE your name is on that image (after all, it’s a picture of you)
- If you have a website or link of any kind, ENSURE that is in there as well
- Schedule your new ‘Power Pose’ images for posting – DAILY (and you can use Hootsuite for this)
What do I mean by a location for a photo shot?
Select somewhere that has different textures and all in the one place. IE
- Park
- Restaurant
- River/lake
- Theatre
- Different types of wall surfaces (bricks, stones, timber, vertical garden)
- Steps
- Etc
This will give you heaps of back drops, meaning these areas have so many different surfaces creating interesting images.
If you’re having trouble, google any of your favourite personalities, IE
- Oprah quotes, images
- Audrey Hepburn quotes, images
- Pierce Brosnan quotes, images
Our aim is to show your audience that we are:
- Confident Leaders
- Worthy of being followed
- Know what we are doing
Power Poses are an incredibly powerful and strong way to get noticed.
Another sensational way to gain friends and followers is to be consistently interviewing other Leaders via Facebook Lives or Zooms. There is a fair bit of work in this one hence one a week is more than enough.
As with anything, consistency and momentum are the key for this to be successful. If you go down this avenue, keep a regimented schedule. IE Every Monday evening.
It’s also better that you interview Leaders outside of Modere. As an example, you may know someone who is a:
- Lawyer
- Small Business Owner IE Restaurant, Café, Accountant, etc
You can leverage off these ‘lives’ by adding them to your YouTube channel, repurposing the material to Podcasts, rewriting the content into blogs, all of which can be housed on your website.
Just imagine how amazing your website will be over time. It’s like an expanding book.
The image you portray is one of success for yourself. The reasoning here is that you are associating with other very successful people and looks like, and is, your circle of friends.
Notice how people would come to, ‘know, like and trust you, are probably like you anyway, or will want to aspire to be like you?’
Key right there, that’s why they follow you.
What also occurs here is, by default and tagging the Interviewee, you are opening yourself up to their circle of friends. Essentially, you have a ‘new crowd’ watching you do your thing.
What type of questions are good interview questions?
First: Introduce yourself and your guest.
Let your guest tell your audiences a little about themselves and what they do.
Then ask a few questions, such as…
- What inspired you to start your business?
- Gives us a run-down of your daily routine.
- We all get distracted, what keeps you inspired?
- What’s been your biggest ‘aha moment’?
- Self-development is something we should all look towards. Can you recommend any courses or books that have impacted your success?
And guess what? You’ll learn some new things here as well and that is a bonus.
And best of all… Success always rubs off!
Connie M
Social Marketer Success Manager