Are you ready to learn? Ahead of the launch of Modere Education Academy on Monday 9 September, we are counting down the top 4 reasons to be at the ready for this LIVE CLEAN module.
- Did you know that 90% of our time is spent indoors exposed to numerous harmful toxins? You’ll learn all about the toxins you can find all around you and the big and small ways you can limit your exposure to them.
- Do you know the role of the liver, gall bladder and the digestive system and the part they play in detoxification? Learn all about key body systems and organs at play during detoxification and detoxication.
- Did you know about The Clean Fifteen and The Dirty Dozen? You’ll be able to memorise them after Monday, 9 September!
- Did you know that many Modere products use traditional Chinese herbs that have been used for thousands and thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine? Find out which ones when Modere Education Academy launches
Learn. Grow. Change Lives. Monday, 9 September. Find Modere Education Academy in your Back Office and Modere LIFE App.