It’s rare in this world to have longevity in a business and loyal, strong relationships within your community… but at Modere we have both. It’s so easy to be competitive and not want to lift others up when they deserve it. But at Modere, our Social Marketers instinctively are cheerleaders for one another, they are the first to recognise the hard work in others, whichever team they’re in. This community spirit and love of what they do has ultimately contributed to the success of Modere and more importantly the success of our Social Marketers.
Some have been with us from the very beginning, way back when, and some have been with us for less than a year. They have lots in common though – all loyal, supportive, passionate and inspiring. So much so that in the last two months, we have seen three of our Social Marketers hit the peak, the granddaddy of Modere – Elite 3.
In June, Carmel and Hans Nimmerrichter reached Elite 3:
“Thank you Andy and the amazing Corporate staff plus all of the Modere team which supports every Modere Member. You ALL work tirelessly for us Members. It is so appreciated. A huge thank you from the bottom of our hearts everyone” − Carmel
Next, The Parkers – Ginny and Linton – who have had amazing success both here and in Europe:
“We are so excited for the future. E3’s fantastic and we know the best growth is still to come.”
And then WA legends Terri McClure and Sam Long, having seen quick growth using specific products as their focus:
“We are so grateful for this journey we started together. The relationships that we have built and the friendships we have made. Modere have been truly life changing for us all. We are not sure what to do next now!” − Terri
“We have the best team and they have driven and driven and driven. The support from them, Head Office and EVERYONE within Modere has been unreal” − Sam
Now if that’s not inspiring you to hit the ground running and build your business, we don’t know what will!