[This blog is part of a regular series highlighting – in their own words – the achievements and backstory of Social Marketers whose contributions to Modere shine out.]
The most important thing contributing to my achievements in Modere has been emotionally connecting with the brand and understanding the vision.
I made it my mission to understand the customer-centric model and saw what amazing things it could do for my business. I knew customers would want to grab hold of this luxury lifestyle brand. I embraced the model and taught my team the importance of customers in their business. They needed to believe that customers would want to share their experience with amazing products, and through this their business would grow.
I understood the duplication model, embraced it and provided training for my team. I encouraged them to have fun finding lots of customers first and in the process look for 6 who wanted to be Social Marketers. Once you find 6, then build depth.
Modere is about having fun, being social, getting people to connect with a truly authentic brand providing everyday lifestyle essentials that are safer and helping them to make healthier choices. They need to see the value.
I trained the team to have Modere Socials and also included essential product training to give them confidence when talking to others. This got them up to speed quickly.
The support for my energetic, enthusiastic highly motivated team, never stops. You can’t have success without success under you.
Tapping into Modere resources and staying connected with my leadership team was really important. Be 100% user and attend events.
Thank you Lana Samarski. Your support, encouragement and guidance continues to be amazing.