Since transitioning to the global database, the Annual Social Marketer fee has become an automatic payment processed on the anniversary of your membership, using the default credit card on your account. Here are some key things to know about the renewal:
- There is no longer an option to pay this fee manually via your Shifting Retail Back Office.
- We advise Social Marketers by email 40 days prior to their renewal date (anniversary with Modere) and again 15 days before.
- If the payment attempt is unsuccessful, an email is sent to advise the transaction failed and will be attempted again in 7 days’ time.
- If the payment is unsuccessful after the second attempt, a debit is added to the Social Marketers account and the $49.95 will then be deducted from any commissions earnt.
Social Marketers need to notify us prior to the renewal date to avoid the payment being deducted automatically from their account if they no longer wish to be a Social Marketer. Also If one of your team members has informed you they no longer wish to continue as a Social Marketer, please mention they will need to contact the office to request their account be transitioned to Customer. There are no annual fees associated with Customer accounts but they can continue to purchase all their Live Clean favourites whenever they want.
Did you know that we have a library of Compliance information available in your Shifting Retail Back Office and in our One Voice Facebook Group? These should be your go-to’s if you are ever unsure about what you can and can’t say about products and talking about Modere.
As part of you becoming a Modere Social Marketer, you have a responsibility to comply with industry and Modere rules and regulations. Not being compliant can put both you and our business in jeopardy. We set the standard of being compliant and shine as an example in our industry and want it to stay that way. Make sure you stay compliant when talking products and income by being informed and educated:
- Take the time to have a read of these guides under Tools > Documents and Media > Compliance in Shifting Retail
- TIP: When looking in One Voice – just search “Compliance” via the magnifying glass icon. Any One Voice posts we have done regarding compliance will be listed.
If you have further questions or your inquiry is outside of the guidelines provided just email or
Here is a step-by-step if what happens when a Customer decides to become a Social Marketer:
- Another account is created automatically using their existing email address (from their Customer account) with a new promo code for them
- All other details, including orders and referrals, remain on their Customer account until the next commission run (approximately the 15th of the month).
- The Customer account is then officially cancelled and closed
- At this point, any previously referred Customers on the “old” Customer account, are moved over to the new Social Marketer account.
During this process, the new Social Marketer, won’t be able to access their “old” Customer account. This is so qualifications are not impacted and removed from the upline’s Customer pod. As the enrolling Social Marketer, if you would like your new Social Marketer to have their Customer POD for the current month you can request that with the Business Team in writing. Any referrals using the old OR new promo code will still be linked to the Social Marketer, as both promo codes will remain valid.
There has been a recent change to the way SmartShip™ & Save works due to the Global Markets agreeing to unification of the program.
Past SmartShip logic looked to see if you had placed a SmartShip order within 35 days of your previous order. If you had, you were “rewarded” on your following SmartShip order, potentially receiving a higher discount than listed in the level criteria. (Generally the discount on your last order).
SmartShip™ & Save now purely looks at the items in your cart at the time your order submits.
SmartShip™ & Save consists of incremental savings up to 15% that can be accrued when a defined number of unique products are purchased via the SmartShip™ subscription.
The discounted amounts automatically apply during the checkout process.
Purchase 1 to 4 unique products with SmartShip™ and automatically save 5% on the total product price of that order, purchase 5 to 7 unique products and save 10% or purchase 8 and more unique products and save 15% .
A unique product means a different Modere product not including any merchandise or accessories. For example: Order 4 x Aloe Vera, this equals 1 unique product. For easy reference the list view in Quick Shop displays the unique product count as SS Value.
SmartShip™ savings exclude shipping and may be combined with a STL credit and/or LCCs. In this instance, the SmartShip™ savings will apply after all discounts have been calculated.
As you know many of our products are allocated a point value. When you benefit from a SmartShip™ discount, the points accumulated in the order are also discounted at the same percentage. For Example: 10% reduction to the price also means a 10% reduction to the points.
This one is promo related – so possibly does not need to be included…??
Today we launched our Inactive Customers campaign where those that haven’t purchased in the last 4-18 months will get $15 in their account. We want to show you how you can find your own inactive Customers and re-engage with them and let them know about their $15 to spend. Here’s how you do it:
- Login to your Back Office
- Go to Reports
- Click on Customer Pod
- Change Report Run Date to 2021 and 03
- Run Report
Click on Last Order Date column to list by date and contact anyone with a last order within these dates – 22 September 2019 and 29 November 2020
Wanting to confirm if your Customer has placed an order this month? The best place for tracking Customer Orders is via your Customer POD OR your Active Customer report in REPORTS in the Back Office. Active Customers report lists the Customers that have ordered in the current month. You can choose to look at active Customers for previous months here as well, by choosing a previous report date. Customer Pod lists ALL your Customers and will show Personal CP if they have placed an order in the current month. You can sort by any field in this report, so hot tip is to sort via Personal CP to group all active Customers for the month. The Bell Notification is also a handy quick reference tool for seeing all orders placed within your organisation (including Social Marketers) but for a detailed Customer listing that you can sort, filter and even download to Excel go to REPORTS. The Customer Pod report will list ALL Customer orders, whereas your Bell notification will not add orders retrospectively. For example, if your Customer joined without using your promo code and was linked up after their order was placed – this order will not appear in your Bell notification.
When looking at your Earning and Tax Statement for the month remember, your final Commissions amount is made up of Weekly Pay Adjustments (if you have qualified for Weekly Pay) and the remainder of your Monthly commissions. So the total Commissions payable figure is your entire commission (including Weekly Pay). Any adjustments listed under that total (this can include debits and/or credits if Modere owes you other adjustments) are then taken from or added to the summary to arrive at your PAY AMOUNT. Weekly Pay is purely based on your total month’s Sharing Bonus and First Order Bonuses to date. To be eligible for weekly pay you must be 150MP personally qualified for that month. Your Commission Statement generates and is available after the bonus run has been completed (approx. the 13th ) and your Earning and Tax statement generates between the bonus run and when your monthly commission is deposited into your bank account “pay day”.
When signing up a potential new Customer, it is important to ensure they do not have an existing active account with Modere. It’s always an unpleasant conversation when a Customers rings head office asking to change sponsors and advising them they are unable to do so, until their account has been inactive (no orders placed) for 6 months.
Of course there can be other situations where we would consider a sponsor change and these are covered in our Guidelines for opening a Customer Account document in the back office. TOOLS > DOCUMENTS AND MEDIA > BUSINESS > CUSTOMER POD BUILDING
In fairness to all of our Social Marketers we strictly adhere to the inactivity requirement. At Modere, integrity is paramount and so is the relationship between you, us and your Customers.
There is a report in your Back Office called SmartShip Value. This report lets you view all of your Customer’s upcoming SmartShip orders. To avoid your Customers being surprised by a repeat order we suggest getting in touch with them regarding their upcoming order, find out if they know they can change their order or shipping date and check if they still want to be on Smartship & Save. If they no longer want to be on the program you can encourage them to check out their SmartShip Manager (truck icon) on the website where they can cancel their template by removing all products from their order.
It’s a great tool to stay up-to-date and connect with your Customers and get the conversation started too!
In your Back Office the Customer Claim System is available to search for “lost” Customers. You can use this service for any Customers that have not already been assigned to your Customer Pod via a Promo code referral on joining, or through our Found Out process (if the promo code is not used on joining).
The Customer Claim System will confirm and link any unassigned Customer in the system with matches to the provided fields submitted by a Social Marketer. To claim a Customer in the Customer Claim System, a Social Marketer must provide 3 unique details of their Customer to see if they are in the database unaffiliated (not currently linked to a Social Marketer). If a correct link is found, you can then claim the Customer.
Check it out in Shifting Retail > Tools > Customer Claim system.
There has been a recent change to the way SmartShip™ & Save works due to the Global Markets agreeing to unification of the program.
Past SmartShip logic looked to see if you had placed a SmartShip order within 35 days of your previous order. If you had, you were “rewarded” on your following SmartShip order, potentially receiving a higher discount than listed in the level criteria. (Generally the discount on your last order).
SmartShip™ & Save now purely looks at the items in your cart at the time your order submits.
SmartShip™ & Save consists of incremental savings up to 15% that can be accrued when a defined number of unique products are purchased via the SmartShip™ subscription.
The discounted amounts automatically apply during the checkout process.
Purchase 1 to 4 unique products with SmartShip™ and automatically save 5% on the total product price of that order, purchase 5 to 7 unique products and save 10% or purchase 8 and more unique products and save 15% .
A unique product means a different Modere product not including any merchandise or accessories. For example: Order 4 x Aloe Vera, this equals 1 unique product. For easy reference the list view in Quick Shop displays the unique product count as SS Value.
SmartShip™ savings exclude shipping and may be combined with a STL credit and/or LCCs. In this instance, the SmartShip™ savings will apply after all discounts have been calculated.
As you know many of our products are allocated a point value. When you benefit from a SmartShip™ discount, the points accumulated in the order are also discounted at the same percentage. For Example: 10% reduction to the price also means a 10% reduction to the points.
This one is promo related – so possibly does not need to be included…??
Today we launched our Inactive Customers campaign where those that haven’t purchased in the last 4-18 months will get $15 in their account. We want to show you how you can find your own inactive Customers and re-engage with them and let them know about their $15 to spend. Here’s how you do it:
- Login to your Back Office
- Go to Reports
- Click on Customer Pod
- Change Report Run Date to 2021 and 03
- Run Report
Click on Last Order Date column to list by date and contact anyone with a last order within these dates – 22 September 2019 and 29 November 2020
Wanting to confirm if your Customer has placed an order this month? The best place for tracking Customer Orders is via your Customer POD OR your Active Customer report in REPORTS in the Back Office. Active Customers report lists the Customers that have ordered in the current month. You can choose to look at active Customers for previous months here as well, by choosing a previous report date. Customer Pod lists ALL your Customers and will show Personal CP if they have placed an order in the current month. You can sort by any field in this report, so hot tip is to sort via Personal CP to group all active Customers for the month. The Bell Notification is also a handy quick reference tool for seeing all orders placed within your organisation (including Social Marketers) but for a detailed Customer listing that you can sort, filter and even download to Excel go to REPORTS. The Customer Pod report will list ALL Customer orders, whereas your Bell notification will not add orders retrospectively. For example, if your Customer joined without using your promo code and was linked up after their order was placed – this order will not appear in your Bell notification.
When looking at your Earning and Tax Statement for the month remember, your final Commissions amount is made up of Weekly Pay Adjustments (if you have qualified for Weekly Pay) and the remainder of your Monthly commissions. So the total Commissions payable figure is your entire commission (including Weekly Pay). Any adjustments listed under that total (this can include debits and/or credits if Modere owes you other adjustments) are then taken from or added to the summary to arrive at your PAY AMOUNT. Weekly Pay is purely based on your total month’s Sharing Bonus and First Order Bonuses to date. To be eligible for weekly pay you must be 150MP personally qualified for that month. Your Commission Statement generates and is available after the bonus run has been completed (approx. the 13th ) and your Earning and Tax statement generates between the bonus run and when your monthly commission is deposited into your bank account “pay day”.
When signing up a potential new Customer, it is important to ensure they do not have an existing active account with Modere. It’s always an unpleasant conversation when a Customers rings head office asking to change sponsors and advising them they are unable to do so, until their account has been inactive (no orders placed) for 6 months.
Of course there can be other situations where we would consider a sponsor change and these are covered in our Guidelines for opening a Customer Account document in the back office. TOOLS > DOCUMENTS AND MEDIA > BUSINESS > CUSTOMER POD BUILDING
In fairness to all of our Social Marketers we strictly adhere to the inactivity requirement. At Modere, integrity is paramount and so is the relationship between you, us and your Customers.
There is a report in your Back Office called SmartShip Value. This report lets you view all of your Customer’s upcoming SmartShip orders. To avoid your Customers being surprised by a repeat order we suggest getting in touch with them regarding their upcoming order, find out if they know they can change their order or shipping date and check if they still want to be on Smartship & Save. If they no longer want to be on the program you can encourage them to check out their SmartShip Manager (truck icon) on the website where they can cancel their template by removing all products from their order.
It’s a great tool to stay up-to-date and connect with your Customers and get the conversation started too!
In your Back Office the Customer Claim System is available to search for “lost” Customers. You can use this service for any Customers that have not already been assigned to your Customer Pod via a Promo code referral on joining, or through our Found Out process (if the promo code is not used on joining).
The Customer Claim System will confirm and link any unassigned Customer in the system with matches to the provided fields submitted by a Social Marketer. To claim a Customer in the Customer Claim System, a Social Marketer must provide 3 unique details of their Customer to see if they are in the database unaffiliated (not currently linked to a Social Marketer). If a correct link is found, you can then claim the Customer.
Check it out in Shifting Retail > Tools > Customer Claim system.