GM MONTHLY – April 2022
If the question going through your mind is the same as the one going through mine, it’s “when will everything be normal again?” It’s been a rollercoaster ride of lockdowns, rising case numbers, probably knowing someone by now who has had COVID, or even getting it yourself. What a crazy start to 2022.
Through the turbulence and changes of the past 24 months, one thing remains the same: the stability of Modere and the community of like-minded people who genuinely care about each other. Nothing was more evident than seeing that at SRC on the Gold Coast in March. What a wonderful community we are all a part of!
We all love Modere for unique reasons. Perhaps, you’ve had an incredible experience with one of our products, and now you want the entire world to feel as amazing as you feel. Maybe, you see a disruptive business opportunity and the desire for a little additional income. Perhaps you are passionate about toxin-free wellness, and your passion for ingredients and a holistic approach to health has drawn you here. Maybe, you’ve been born into this business and been given an incredible inheritance of Modere to now pass on to your children.
Events are a powerful platform to share such stories and pass knowledge to others to help them succeed. It is also an opportunity to lean in, learn from others, try new things, and take away knowledge to better yourself and your teams. As restrictions ease and travel becomes more accessible to many around the country and across the waters in New Zealand, we feel that it is time to meet you where you are. We’re bringing a roadshow to pivotal areas around Australia and New Zealand to facilitate an opportunity to bring Modere, it’s products, and philosophy to life. Live Clean Life. The newest roadshow-style event series will kick off in Sydney on May 12th.
Over the past 24 months, We’ve learned how vital connection is and how convenient virtual events are. Nothing beats the rush you feel after connecting with like-minded people. Think of these events as mini masterclasses that will increase your skills in:
Small business operations – ever wondered what your requirements are when starting a Modere business?
• Social selling – How to take advantage and step by step instructions
• Product education – Your Social Marketer guide on the hero products
• Social media – Using product marketing to entice your Customers
• Personal development – Getting you on stage and ready for SRC!
• Living Clean – Inside out and out
Be in the room to learn from Kylie Skinner as she takes us through a Masterclass on the basics of using TikTok, from hashtags and trending music to when to post through to a demo on posting on TikTok.
Then join our host Sakshi Sharma as we hear from special guests Gillian Stapleton, Direct Selling Australia’s Executive Director, about the growth of the social selling industry, and Kylie Skinner will be back to share her insights into TikTok. Then join our Social Marketers, Ginny Parker, Chelsea Bennett, Kirri-Ann Cuskelly, and Melissa George, who will share their knowledge and inspire us all. Continuous learning is the key to a successful business.
Attending Live Clean Life will arm you with knowledge and skills to increase your social media engagement, gain confidence in some of our Winter products and selling on social media, and enhance your business leadership skills. There’s no better way to celebrate our April Achievers than with a special recognition moment during the event. We’ll also be heading to Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane & Adelaide this year with Live Clean Life and live streaming each event virtually for those unable to travel, so this is one event not to be missed.
I hope to see you all there!
Best wishes,