GM MONTHLY – December 2021
As we come to a close on what has been a tumultuous and testing year for most, it becomes even more paramount to celebrate our wins, acknowledge those around us, and take the time for each other. Despite hopes of bringing all of the active Elites and Platinum Black’s into one room, like we once did, for our Leadership Summit, the world had other plans. But what was exciting was having our Platinum Black ranks have their seat at the “table”. We almost needed to extend the “table”, there were so many – a great sign of strength for this incredible model of Social Retail we are so very proud of.
The 17th of November saw our fourth annual Leadership Summit with over 50 of our leaders joined together virtually to craft the future of Modere and dream up plans of what is possible. The theme was “Crafting your Future” with a focus on connection, collaboration, and recognition. Corporate took a backseat as corporate apprentices to learn and ideate as we were led by Modere’s Top Leaders through four workshops, on topics strategically chosen based on feedback given by leaders from across the business.
We reignited belief in why you each do what you do, sharing stories of how leaders came to join Modere and their why. Hearing everyone share their stories of ‘why’ really brought home the true purpose of Modere. It allowed everyone to come together on a deep relatable level and reignite the passion that drives everyone to do what they do every day. We are going to capture some of these wonderful stories to showcase the true purpose behind this incredible business opportunity.
Want to know the TOP 3 SOCIAL MARKETER WHY’s?
- More time with family
- Steady Income
- Helping Others
The Craft your Future workshop was the first of its kind at the 2021 Leadership Summit. It was an open discussion about money and the freedoms it can create. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to allow yourself to really dream big for the fear of failing or putting a ceiling on yourself. But hearing from others on what is possible, we realised that this is an area that we need to work on, finding compliant solutions to let our tribe dream big.
Onboarding was all about keeping it simple, giving people one destination with easy to navigate, step by step ways to start winning with Modere. An idea of a journal, similar to that which we sent to everyone at the Movers & Shifters event was born from this, to be included in the first order of any joining Social Marketer. It will include information on products, social retail, and Modere with checklists, cheats sheets, success stories and even a monthly planner. We have also started sharing more Social Marketer stories on One Voice with tips and advice.
We hear so often that we need more success stories from a cross-section of backgrounds and titles, not just the Elites. We are sourcing more stories to share too.
Most exciting is that the team have pulled together some great assets on What is Social Retail and a quick company introduction video which we heard was just what was needed. They are coming next week!
We are working on an option to purchase and earn Live Clean Credits and a single recruitment and onboarding resources platform also.
The overall takeaway, not dissimilar from our feelings in general, was that of overwhelm and a genuine need to simplify, streamline and systemise. We have some incredible plans for 2022. This company never stops. Innovation is at the core of what we do, and our intentions are to always help more Social Marketers to win with Modere.
The closeout to November filled us with confidence, joy and left us bursting at the seams, ready for more. The momentum in the field is energetic. Records broken, new ranks reached, and only our third ever Elite Black 1 in Australasia! Boom!
Let’s get EPIC in December.
Best Wishes